Carrie Murphy, Chair
Kitsap Bank VP Residential Lending Advisor-35+ in mortgage banking industry
Board Member Since 2013
In 2013, I was approached by a friend and fellow board member to attend a meeting. After a few meetings, I really felt the significance of the foundations mission and was eager to participate in whatever capacity necessary. I had a small amount of experience in communications and was asked to fill the position. I am proud of the work and support that the foundation has provided to the Medics and community to improve patient care experience and free CPR/ lifesaving techniques training community wide.
My outside interests consist of spending time with my family. I have 3 grown daughters and 5 grandchildren and I grand dog. My husband and I like to travel to warm sunny tropical beaches. And lastly, researching new and interesting recipes to execute in my sanctuary (the kitchen) which generally culminates into a great family gathering.